A healthy primary dentition is the best prerequisite for healthy permanent teeth. Tooth decay in the primary dentition on the other hand often leads to an early loss of permanent teeth and causes a lack of space in the permanent dentition and can even lead to disturbances in the language development.
As soon as the first primary teeth show it is advisable to make an appointment at the dentist. For your children getting to know the environment, the ambience, and the stomatoscope before there is an actual need for treatment is very helpful.
We assist you and your child with advice on dental hygiene, nutrition and rather pain-free teething. We check the completed primary dentition and look out for possible malposition of teeth in the transformation dentition, as well as offer early treatments and advice you if and when an orthodontic treatment is necessary.
All those activities aim at recognizing and avoiding dentition defects. That is why we do regular prophylaxis treatments with your children.
We see our small patients as independent personalities, explain them what will happen and treat them gently. The children can discover our office playfully by touching and understanding the tools, learning how to brush their teeth correctly and during our open house days they even get to paint and handle plaster in our lab.
The statutory health insurance offers prophylaxis treatments for children and young adults up to the age of 18, including dental cleaning semiannual, fluoridation and sealing of the permanent back teeth.